3 Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
26 May | #ShibaInu #Memecoin
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#ESG research: Bitcoin mining could eliminate 0.15% of global warming by 2045
#Shiba Inu ($SHIB) Becomes Ethereum Whales’ Biggest Token Holding After Flipping FTX’s $FTT
#New Crypto Scams Using Deep Fake Technology On Elon Musk Surface
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柴犬币为一种以日本柴犬命名的模因加密货币(Meme Coin),由日本的匿名开发者创建,旨在取代区块链中的狗狗币(DOGE),被喻为“狗狗币杀手”,是市场中价格大幅上涨的币种之一。目前,柴犬币的生态系统围绕着“ShibaSwap”的去中心化交易平台组成, 为什么模因币会受到欢迎?
与市值更大的加密货币相比,模因币因其生存期短、供应量大和无法在主流交易平台进行交易而一直游离于一线加密货币之外。2021年,GameStop(GME)和AMC Entertainment(AMC)推出一种让散户投资者基于在线论坛和讨论版进进行交易的“模因股票”(Meme Stocks),投资者对其价格和需求的增加让模因币作为其”兄弟“受到投资者的关注。在社交媒体的推波助澜下,模因币的价格更是一路飙涨,当模因币霸主的狗狗币在受到特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)公开调侃后而价格暴跌时,包括柴犬币在内的模因币需求大量增加,在巅峰时期价格飙升了近60,000,000%。 柴犬币有什么特别的?
柴犬币的生态链的丰富性和系统性为在模因币种中少有,旗下包括Doge Killer(LEASH)和Bone ShibaSwap(BONE)两种代币。前者为于狗狗币价格挂钩的基础代币,后者为柴犬币生态中的治理代币。除了供应不同种类的代币之外,更有非同质化代币(NFT)的艺术孵化器和NFT游戏Shiboshi Game。在今年二月,柴犬币开发团队更是宣布推出元宇宙”Shiberse”,以虚拟货币作为交易货币,在元宇宙中出售99,000块土地。
📃 Highlights
What We Know So Far About SHIB: The Metaverse
Shiba inu (SHIB) is, first and foremost, a meme coin. However, since its inception it has grown to launch an exchange, ShibaSwap, and is now adding extra utility with the Shiba Inu metaverse.
SHIB: The Metaverse will feature 100,595 plots of land that will be minted by users. Landowners can generate passive income from their plots, collect in-game resources and generate rewards. Additionally, the developers plan to introduce a way to earn and ensure players have a personal space where they can build and manage their projects.
The Metaverse spans four different districts: Growth District, Defense District, Technology District and Currencies District.
Minting land in this metaverse is not the only utility for SHIB in the virtual world. Users can leverage SHIB to add pictures and logos to land plots. If those pictures change, the ecosystem will burn SHIB tokens.
Ethereum whale scoops up 86.7 billion Shiba Inu while large wallet investors shed SHIB
Ethereum whales have accumulated Shiba Inu consistently through the meme coin’s bloodbath. Despite the volatility in Shiba Inu price, the Ethereum whale identified as “BlueWhale0073,” has scooped up 86.7 billion SHIB tokens.
The whale has bought nearly 90 billion Shiba Inu tokens, worth over $1 million. The whale sold Shiba Inu tokens soon after the purchase. The volatility in the Shiba-Inu-themed cryptocurrency has created opportunities for large wallet investors to trade SHIB in a large quantity.
Analysts have evaluated the Shiba Inu price trend and predicted a recovery in the meme coin. Crispus Nyaga, a leading analysis bullish on Shiba Inu. The analyst notes that Shiba Inu has managed to move above the descending trendline and SHIB is likely to continue its climb.