3 Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
31 May | Gotta Catch ’Em All
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#Waves launches the “Waves DeFi Revival Plan”
#Kryptomon completes $10 million financing, led by NFX
#Japan’s Prime Minister Reportedly Open to Idea of Crypto Tax Reform
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#Pokemon #Tamagotchi #NFT #Kryptomon精灵宝可梦(Pokemon)和电子鸡(Tamagotchi)是许多90年代孩子的童年,随着一代青年的成长而逐渐隐退,而Kryptomon(氦星兽)却通过新技术,将它们与能在区块链上赚钱的加密猫(CryptoKitties)结合,让宝可梦和电子鸡“死而复生”。Kryptomon是新时代宝可梦?Kryptomon是一个融合了Pokemon、CrytoKitties等Play-to-earn形式的区块链游戏。通过区块链技术、数字遗传学和定位技术,在加密游戏的升级中融入了宝可梦、电子鸡和加密猫的元素,为非同质化代币(NFT)带来了一场新的革命,允许用户从社区中赚取收益和资产,并且通过区块链的去中心化和透明化的性质保证了所有权。找到进入氦星兽世界的入口。在用户进入氦星兽的世界前,他们必须先想办法得到一个孵化蛋。而这个获得该孵化蛋的唯一途径是从NFT市场购买盲盒。同时,为了增加趣味性和吸引力,用户有百分之一的机率获得初始稀缺版的孵化蛋。作为额外的奖励,获得初始稀缺版的孵化蛋用户有机会参与Kryptomon的创始人座谈会。在孵化蛋孵化之后,作为用户的“训导员”需要照顾自己的氦星兽。请记得,每一只氦星兽都有38个随机遗传因子去决定外表、能力和性格,因此,用户需要在“驯养”的过程中塑造出属于自己的独一无二氦星兽。而这样的趣味性,让氦星兽孵化蛋在去年11月中,以一秒的速度将所有孵化蛋全部售罄,成为Binance NFT市场上的破纪录产品。今年五月,氦星兽的原生代币——KMON代币在Bybit上上市。在Bybit上,玩家能够购买、出售和交易KMON,并且在氦星兽世界中,玩家也能通过探索世界获得KMON代币,并有可能在现实生活中套现。可以说,Bybit为氦星兽社区提供了一个加密货币商店,结合氦星兽世界的游戏性玩法,增强了社区粘性。你心动了吗?来,一起进入Kryptomon的世界。
📃 Highlights
Beyond Axie: The Next Generation of GameFi Projects Moving Gaming On-Chain
Kryptomon, a living NFT-powered game on the BNB Chain, picks up on themes close to the heart of any 90s kid, getting Tamagotchi- and Pokemon-style gameplay up to speed with the blockchain era.
It puts players in the shoes of Kryptomon trainers hatching and taking care of their creatures before venturing out to explore the game’s world in player-versus-environment and player-versus-player challenges.
At the current stage, Kryptomon offers players a Tamagotchi-style experience where they hatch their monsters from eggs and take care of their needs, feeding and training them. They can also breed their NFT creatures to get new, stronger ones. The game spearheads the push into the “Living NFT” design, with each monster based on a unique set of genes that they can pass on to their offspring. Gamers met the project with a sweeping enthusiasm, buying up all of the initial NFTs in one second.
Kryptomon Raises USD 10M Led by NFX to Scale Blockchain-based Gaming Universe
Kryptomon, the living NFT-powered Play-and-Earn gaming project combining Pokemon, Tamagotchi, and CryptoKitties, close a USD 10 million private funding round spearheaded by NFX with additional backing by PLAYSTUDIOS ($MYPS), Griffin Gaming Partners, Tal Ventures, and Vikram Pandit, former CEO of Citigroup.
The funding arrives on the heels of Kryptomon’s successful Stage 1 game launch in early 2022, powered by two record-setting Mystery Box sales on Binance NFT marketplace. Since its inception, Kryptomon’s progressive community growth has expanded to nearly 500 thousand followers across its social feeds, generating USD 13 million worth of NFT transactions in under 5 months.
Kryptomon reimagines blockchain-based gaming, creating an interactive Metaverse via collectible, living NFT creatures in a community-centered world. Merging nostalgic appeal with modern gaming, Kryptomon retains the world-building qualities of Pokemon while incorporating blockchain technology seen in titles like Splinterlands.
The project’s expansive environment prioritizes gameplay experience and exploration, while players can additionally discover NFTs, $KMON tokens, and in-game additions through monthly augmented reality treasure hunts. Additionally, Kryptomon “trainers” can sell, trade, and mint NFTs directly through its native KMarket NFT marketplace after buying their initial creature.