Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
06 June | The Great Ape Escape

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#Bored Ape Yacht Club hacked, loses $360,000 worth of NFTs in phishing attack
The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT was hacked on Saturday, losing upwards of 200 ETH (about $360,000) worth of NFTs, according to reports. One BAYC and two Mutant Apes tokens were stolen in the scam. Fortune reported that the hack was the result of a phishing attack that compromised the Discord account of Boris Vagner, the project’s community manager…(read more)
#Crypto Firms Flock to Dubai for Regulatory Clarity as UAE Cleans Its ‘Grey’ Reputation
According to industry observers, it’s not only Dubai’s rising financial status that’s attracting crypto, but also the fact that it passed a law on virtual assets which provides the kind of regulatory clarity that crypto firms are desperate for elsewhere…(read more)
#Apple’s AR/VR Headset Will Dominate WWDC — Even Though It Won’t Be There
What certainly will be at the conference are significant updates to the company’s core operating systems: iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS. This year’s event is likely to usher in a wider-than-usual breadth of new features. The iPhone’s iOS 16 is set to get a new lock screen with widgets, the Apple Watch will get a new low-power mode and upgrades to watch faces, and the iPad will get revamped with a focus on pro users…(read more)
#Ugandan central bank encourages companies to regulatory sandbox
The Ugandan central bank has changed its position and is now welcoming businesses to participate in its Regulatory Sandbox, inviting members of the Blockchain Association of Uganda (BAU) to share their knowledge of sandbox regulations…(read more)
#Korean students turn to Metaverse to improve study concentration
“Metaverse” learning is becoming more popular among South Korean students, who believe it helps them focus better and keep up with their peers, much like learning in a library or a cafe…(read more)
#Cross-chain oracle solution SupraOracles has reached a cooperation with Moonbeam ecological DEX Beamswap
SupraOracles, a cross-chain oracle solution, recently announced a partnership with Moonbeam-based DEX Beamswap. Beamswap users will be able to exchange homogenized and non-fungible crypto assets, generate passive income through staking and mining, and even create their own cryptocurrency plans on Moonbeam…(read more)
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#TheBoredApeYachtClub #NFT
Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC)是由Yuga Labs创建的一万个“无聊猿”NFT组成的以太坊独立数字收藏品,它们以编程的方式随机组合生成每个无聊猿的帽子、眼睛、神态、服装和背景等170多中不同的属性。项目最初于2021年4月启动,仅需0.08以太币便能购买一只NFT猿猴,但是仅仅一年,无聊猿的价格便飙涨至6至7位数。
BAYC有什么用?BAYC不仅是一个NFT,也是BAYC俱乐部的“入门票”。比起其他的NFT,更强调社区元素。一个无聊猿NFT的拥有者能够自由访问BAYC Bathroom和Bored Ape儿童俱乐部。前者为一个虚拟创作空间,后者为儿童版无聊猿的工作室。更是有一个“无聊猿犬舍”(The Bored Ape Kennel Club),允许每个俱乐部的成员都可以从犬舍中,免费领养一只社团犬(Club Dog NFT)。最近,BAYC更是在The Sandbox中购买了土地,成为社区成员社交的场所。
一般而言,NFT的版权属于创作者,但是在购买BAYC NFT的时候,所有权的商业使用权将被赋予买家,意味着买家拥有对包括所有相关的书籍、饮料和周边产品等的使用权。而当BAYC与其他线下品牌产生联动时,例如去年8月与美国潮牌Supreme合作时,买家就可以通过商业使用权而获利。

但是,无聊猿背后仍然隐藏着安全隐患。就在上周六,黑客攻击了无聊猿的社区经理Boris Vagner 的 Discord 帐户,并在获得 Vagner 的登录凭据后,在BAYC 及其相关元宇宙项目 的Discord 频道中发布了虚假链接,让用户的NFT被盗。但是这并非为首次的被盗事件,在今年4月,官方的Instagram的账号也遭到骇客入侵,向账号跟随者(Follower)发送一个仿冒的无聊猿网站,以发送空投(Airdrop)为由,要求用户将他们的MetaMask(小狐狸钱包)连接到骇客的钱包,成功窃取了一系列总价值280万美元的账户。
📃 More to learn
# Bored Ape Yacht Club: How to buy, why is it expensive and more FAQ
One of the top-selling NFT series by Yuga Labs, BAYC’s avatars’ value depends on the number of unique features they have and how many apes share these characteristics.
#BAYC: NFT that’s coming to be a real brand
If you invest any type of amount of time online, particularly Twitter, you have actually most likely already seen a Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT. These serve as both characters and tickets to an on the internet social club. Aside from Fallon, DJ Khaled, Steph Curry and also Article Malone are amongst those who have a Bored Ape NFT and utilize it as their profile picture on social networks.