Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
21 June #NFT #Developers #DeFi&Trading

Legendary Jay-Z Sneakers Worth More Than 1 BTC Go on Auction as NFT
Relevant Customs, a widely known sneaker manufacturer in narrow celebrity circles, announced the launch of an auction for an “artist-proven” pair of the famous Brooklyn Zoo sneakers…(Read More)
MoonPay officially launches utility NFT minting service HyperMint
Crypto payments firm MoonPay announced Tuesday that it has launched a new service, HyperMint, which allows brands to mint up to 100 million non-fungible tokens (NFTs) at once. The new service allows creators and brands to attach images, music, video or other metadata to a token on their own platform…(Read More)
Ethereum testnet Beacon Chain launched and ready for trial merge
Upon merging with its dedicated Beacon Chain, the Sepolia testnet will begin reaching consensus using proof of stake (PoS) rather than proof of work (PoW) which will provide data on what may happen when the Ethereum mainnet performs its merge…(Read More)
VIP-220 launched on private testnet
VeChain Foundation (VeChain Foundation) announced that VIP-220 has been launched on the private testnet, which is a huge milestone in the realization of the POA (Proof-of-Authority) 2.0 consensus mechanism upgrade…(Read More)
📈 DeFi & Trading
ETH miner revenue hits 18-month low
According to data from glassnode, ETH miner revenue hit an 18-month low of $398,080.87…(Read More)
Russian Finance Ministry bans Bitcoin payments for oil exports
Russia’s finance ministry said the government sees bitcoin as a payment method for small business transactions and not for oil exports. This is inconsistent with previous remarks by the chairman of the country’s energy committee…(Read More)
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#Moonpay #Hypermint #NFT
MoonPay在今天正式启动了一个NFT的“铸币机” — — HyperMint。
MoonPay的作用。虽然加密货币拥有更便捷、低成本支付的天然优势,但基础设施尚不完善,使得投资者们普遍面临着加密货币难以与法定货币相互转换的难题。因此,MoonPay带着降低顾客使用各种加密钱包的繁琐程度的宗旨,目标成为加密货币界中的 “Paypal”。

谁是Moonpay?为了达成上述的构思,美国的两位企业家Ivan Soto-Wright和Victor Faramond联合起来打造一个安全的加密货币软件,主要为市场上主要的加密货币钱包、应用程序和支付解决方案网站提供支持。目前,为了加密货币与法币的转换,他们已经链接了几乎所有的传统金融渠道,包括 VISA和万事达卡(Mastercard)的借记卡、信用卡、Apple Pay、Google Pay 和 Samsung Pay等。同时,也已有超过 250 个流行的加密货币服务提供商加盟MoonPay,包括 NEAR、Opensea、Bitcoin Wallet、Trust Wallet、Binance DEX、Bithumb 等。
以NFT而言,在一般情况下,NFT 交易平台的客户必须通过 MetaMask 等钱包,使用加密货币来购买 NFT。但 MoonPay 的新功能,可以降低客户需要购买一定数额的加密货币后再购买NFT的繁琐程序。因此,在提供链接加密货币钱包和传统支付服务的情况下,MoonPay的用户便可以直接通过传统的方式购买NFT。
而在今天,MoonPay更是通过HyperMint进军NFT的一级销售市场 — — 铸造 NFT。MoonPay声称,HyperMint将会成为NFT领域内的AWS,将原本NFT上市需要花费的数月缩短至数周甚至数天。
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