Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
15 June #NFT #Developers #Metaverse #DeFi&Trading

French fashion brand Lacoste wades into web3 with NFT launch
法国时尚品牌 Lacoste 通过 推出NFT 涉足 web3
French fashion brand Lacoste has launched a collection of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), in a move it says aims to build an online community and engage with customers in a new way. The project, called UNDW3 (pronounced “underwater”), will give collectors of the NFTs access to a “long-term collaborative community” Lacoste said in a press release…(Read More)
NFT trademark applications exceed 4,000 in the U.S. this year
The exact figure stands at 4,049, implying that an average of 27 new NFT trademarks have been filed each day in 2022…(Read More)
🔗 Developer
DAOLens closes $5 million financing with Nexus Venture Partners and others
DAOLens 与 Nexus Venture Partners 等公司完成 500 万美元融资
Funds raised will be used for product development, talent acquisition, and to drive subsequent rollouts of its tool stack…(Read More)
Litecoin MimbleWimble Delisted by Several Exchanges for Being Too Privacy-Protecting
莱特币 MimbleWimble 因过度保护隐私被多家交易所退市
Korean crypto exchanges Upbit and Bithumb announced in public notices to users that they will drop Litecoin (LTC). Upbit will stop trading pairs with Litecoin on June 20th and give users one month from then to withdraw the asset. Bithumb has already stopped accepting LTC deposits as of June 8th…(Read More)
🌖 Metaverse
Bill Gates blasts crypto, NFTs as based on ‘greater fool’ theory
Billionaire Bill Gates dismissed cryptocurrency projects such as nonfungible tokens (NFTs) as shams “based on the greater fool theory” at a climate conference on Tuesday (June 14), reviving past criticisms of digital assets…(Read More)
📈 DeFi & Trading
Terra community proposal on “allocation method for 0.5% LUNA emergency fund allocation” has been approved
Terra社区关于“0.5% LUNA应急资金分配方式”的提案获得通过
Proposition 446 for the Terra Community “Allocation Method for 0.5% LUNA Emergency Fund Allocation” has been passed with 304 million (88.36%) in favor, which will support the distribution plan listed on Agora and plans to create a long-term Terra community Community board of members…(Read More)
Major DeFi lending protocols have liquidated over $94 million in the past 24 hours
过去 24 小时内,主要的 DeFi 借贷协议已清算超过 9400 万美元
Mainstream DeFi lending protocols have liquidated over $94 million in the past 24 hours. Among them, Aave liquidated $46.228 million, Compond liquidated $45.48 million, and MakerDAO liquidated $2.463 million…(Read More)
🔍 Learn
#Litecoin #Binance
昨天,Binance以“ Mimblewimble ”升级会导致交易损失或是陷入灰色地带之嫌,禁止了莱特币(Litecoin)的交易。
什么是莱特币?莱特币,又名 LTC,是一种基于“点对点” (peer-to-peer) 技术的分散式加密货币和支付网络。 从技术层面上看,莱特币的运作模式与比特币 (BTC)的类似,但是在交易速度、交易费用、供应数量和挖矿网络上更胜于比特币。也因此,莱特币常常被称为比特币的“低配版”货币。在昨日的莱特币升级中,莱特币更是纳入了Mimblewimble,进一步地巩固网路隐私性。
什么是MimbleWimble?MimbleWimble 是一项针对隐私和可扩展性升级,于 2019 年 1 月首次部署在 Grin 网络上,其 v0.21.X 版本中在 Litecoin 网络上激活。Mimblewimble是一个电影哈利波特中的一个“捆绑舌头”的咒语,能够阻止他人透露秘密,符合其提升隐私的特征。在目前的莱特币、比特币等交易网络中,每一个网络节点的透明性保证了信息验证和公开性,但是同时也揭示了相当多的信息。为了解决这个难题,MimbleWimble提出一个在现有分散、透明、可验证的网络基础上,设立一个维护隐私的区块链。
但是,MimbleWimble的隐私协议也被人所诟病,区块链投资基金Dragonfly Capital认为,Mimblewimble的隐私协议从根本上存在缺陷,只需要支付60美元/周的费用,就能够发现96%的Grin交易发起者和首款这的确切地址。不过,矛盾的是,使用MimbleWimble升级够的莱特币现在却因为其“过度隐私保护”而可能称为不法分子地洗钱而遭到多个交易所的撤牌退市。
🔥 Events
14 July World Blockchain Summit 2022 @ Singapore
We will be there and do live broadcast for premium members, click to join

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