Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
22 June #NFT #Developers #Metaverse #DeFi&Trading

NFT market size is expected to grow to $7,390.8 million by 2028
The NFT market is predicted to increase from $1,553.6 million in 2021 to $7,390.8 million by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of 24.4 percent from 2022 to 2028, according to a new analysis produced by Values Reports…(Read More)
Spike Lee: A new NFT project is coming soon
Spike Lee:一个新的NFT项目即将问世
Speaking at the NFT.NYC conference, renowned director Spike Lee stated that using NFTs to fund films is “bringing more democracy to filmmaking.”…(Read More)
Cardano devs to launch the first light wallet “Lace”
The Cardano development team Input Output has created a new light wallet called “Lace.” The new wallet, according to the development team, includes a number of capabilities that allow users to manage, control, and store their cryptocurrencies all in one spot…(Read More)
Report: Blockchains like Bitcoin are not as decentralised as expected
Subnets of Bitcoin nodes are primarily responsible for establishing consensus and communicating with miners, according to the paper, while “vast majority of nodes do not meaningfully contribute to the health of the network.” The survey also discovered that 21% of Bitcoin nodes were running an older version of the Bitcoin Core client that contained well-known flaws such as consensus issues…(Read More)
🌖 Metaverse
Zuckerberg: Meta to expand NFT testing on Instagram and Facebook
Zuckerberg also stated that Meta will expand its NFT testing on Instagram, allowing more creators from all across the world to showcase their NFTs. Ethereum and Polygon, as well as Flow and Solana, are among the blockchains that offer this capability…(Read More)
📈 DeFi & Trading
Chainge Finance proposes acquisition of Celsius and decentralize it immediately
Chainge Finance提议收购Celsius,并立即将其去中心化
Chainge Finance, a cross-chain liquidity protocol, has recently officially announced an offer to acquire its assets and liabilities from Celsius, according to official news…(Read More)
🔍 Learn
#Cardano #Lace #Light Wallet
今天,为了进一步扩大版图,区块链平台Cardano的开发团队Input Output Global (IOG)宣布创建一个新的轻钱包 — — “Lace”。

全节点钱包也被称为重钱包,Bitcoin Core为其代表性钱包。每次使用前都需要同步所有的数据,对内存容量有很大的要求,容易占用过多的硬盘空间,劝退了许多投入成本不高的新手。反之,虽然轻钱包也会下载新区块的所有数据,但它不保存所有的数据,仅会同步与自己相关的数据,因此体积很小,基本上不占用任何空间,能支持多种数字资产,降低用户使用门槛。
举个例子,若是小明使用的是全节点钱包,那么当他每隔一段时间打开钱包的时候,就像是等待Windows XP开机一样,需要花费一定的时间等待后才能进行下一步的操作,并且需要使用内存较大的设备才能开启。但是,若小明使用的是轻钱包,那么他使用内存较小的移动设备如手机,便能轻松打开钱包进行交易,且等待时间很短。虽然后者存在着一定的隐患,但是其方便性却能大大增加用户的使用度。
🔥 Events
14 July World Blockchain Summit 2022 @ Singapore
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