Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
04 July #NFT #Developers #DeFi&Trading

Coca-Cola Launches Pride Series NFTs on Polygon Network
可口可乐在Polygon Network上推出Pride系列NFTs
Coca-Cola has announced a partnership with Rich Minsi to launch the Pride Collection NFT …(Read More)
Polygon’s NFT Sales Fell Below $5 Million in June, a 15-Month Low
CryptoSlam data shows that NFT sales on the Polygon chain in June were only $4,735,903.45, a 15-month low. The peak of NFT sales on the Polygon chain occurred in February 2022, reaching $57,809,193.46 that month…(Read More)
🔗 Developers
Nervos Announces New and Improved Godwoken
Nervos announced on Twitter the launch of a new and improved Nervos Layer 2 network, Godwoken, which is a 100% EVM-compatible Optimistic Rollup, inherits the security of L1 and provides instant transactions with low gas fees…(Read More)
Astar Network Opens Interchain Messaging Format (XCM) Withdrawal Function
The Polkadot parachain Astar Network has announced opening Interchain Messaging Format (XCM) withdrawals, allowing assets to be moved in and out of the relay chain…(Read More)
📈 DeFi & Trading
Synthetix: Days after $18m worth of selling, is SNX preparing for recovery
They consequently, ended up selling almost $8 million worth of SNX on the same day. The sentiment did not change for the next couple of days, and by the time of this report, 7.8 million SNX valued at $18 million was sent to the exchanges…(Read More)
Crema Finance suspends liquidity protocol on Solana amid probe of hack
Crema Finance在调查黑客事件中,暂停对Solana的流动性协议
Crema Finance, a concentrated liquidity protocol on the Solana blockchain, temporarily suspended services because of a hack that drained an undisclosed amount of funds, the company said on Twitter early this morning…(Read More)
🔍 Learn
#Nervos #CKB #Layer1 #Layer2
Nervos于2018年成立,被国际区块链基金Dragonfly誉为“中国市场上最强大的免许可、可拓展公链”,同年7月完成2800万美元的融资后于隔年2019年上线CKB(Common Knowledge Base)主网——LINA。目前,Nervos Network主要分为两层架构,底层为Nervos CKB,上层为专注提高扩展性的设施。

CKB意味着“共同知识库”,和比特币一样采用POW(Proof of Work,即“工作量证明”)算法,是Nervos Network基于PoW的Layer 1公链协议,但是CKB不像PoW一样,限制只能存放交易数据,还能进一步通放所有数据。而Layer 2为应用链,让各个企业能够在这一层搭建自己的公链和开发DApp。
Godwoken 是 Nervos 上兼容 EVM(Ethereum Virtual Machine,以太坊虚拟机) 的 Layer 2 Optimistic Rollup 高性能框架,其安全性由 Nervos Layer 1 保障。开发者可通过 Godwoken 来部署以太坊智能合约,同时保持交易的可扩展性、快速确认和低成本。整体而言,Nervos的分层架构保障了安全和性能 — — 只有最重要的数据才能存入第一层,若是在第二层发生任何纠纷,第一层的数据就可以拿来兼顾性能和安全。
Nervos的目标。Nervos的目标为成为区块链世界的万能通行证,以人体神经系统命名,希望能够成为区块链网络缺乏可拓展性和可互操作性的解决方案。利用多层的方法,解决区块链的三困境(去中心化、安全性和可拓展性) — — Layer 1用以保存数据(注重去中心化和安全性)、Layer 2主要用以可拓展性。为了达成这个目标,7月3日,Nervos在推特上发文宣布推出改进后的新版Nervos Layer 2网络Godwoken,进一步地提升Nervos的可拓展性。
🔥 Events
14 July World Blockchain Summit 2022 @ Singapore
We will be there and do live broadcast for premium members, click to join

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We believe in fair education for everyone to form your own opinions.
We aim to cultivate the ethical use and mass adoption of blockchain technology.